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Creative Artist Alliances

              Music      Dance       Tattoo       

      Documentaries     Movies    Modeling

Record Label, Management,

Production Company,

Film Director, Tattoo Artist

Music Concert
Film Slate Marker
Male Model
Leather model
Fashion Models
Photographer in a Photoshoot
Tattoo Image.2.jpg
Tattoo Machine
Tattoo Image.jpg
Northern Lights
Creative Artist Alliances_edited.jpg
Art is a passion pursued with discipline. It 
transcends the mental mind, allowing for the
expressive nature of connection to come to life. 
Let us showcase you and your art. Submit your information today!
Ramona Pintea Mother Earth Photo.jpg

Ramona Pintea

Fine Artist at Ramona Pintea Art

Title: Mother Earth

Ramona Pitea Headshot.jpg
Forgotten Infrastructure.jpg

Kate The Artist

The Master Work Series

Title: Forgotten Infrastructure

Kate The Artist Profile Pic.jpg

Elise Okrend

Contemporary Pastel Artist

Elise Okrend Profile Picture.jpg
Elise Okrend artwork photo.jpeg

Maggie Goleniak

Intuitve Spiritual Artist

Maggie Goleniak profile picture.jpeg
Maggie Goleniak artwork photo.jpeg
Tesh Parekh Art Pic.png
Christine Jordan art photo.jpg

C.K. Jordan

Micro Mosaic Artist

Title: Smelling Roses

Christine Jordan profile picture.jpg
Titan Goddess.jpg

Madison D. Smith

Fine Artist


Title: Titan Goddess

Madison D. Smith.JPG

Annika Mannoika

Intuitive Healing Artist

Title: Ocean Lovers

Annika Mannoika profile pic.jpg
Annika mannoika artwork 2.jpg

Kevin KO O'Keefe

Artist, Hip Hop Dance Teacher

Title: Leap of Faith

Kevin KO profile pic.jpg
Leap of Faith art piece.jpg
Blue Flame Horizon photo.jpg


Creative Artist

Title: Blue Flame Horizon

Alans Head Shot for OTEL.jpg




Sandra photo.jpg

Elizabeth R Urabe

C(osmic) E(nergy) O(rchestrator) at URABE OFFICIAL and Spiritual Midwife 


Elizabeth Urabe profile pic.jpg
Divine Unity.jpg

Robert Jamason

Fine Art Photographer

Title: Last Prayer

Robert Jamason profile pic.jpg
Last Prayer Photo.jpg

Tesh Parekh

Fine Artist and Live Wedding Painter

Title: Mordecai Fall

Tesh Parekh profile pic.jpg
Michelle Laaks Boy Pic.png

Michelle Laaks

Creative Artist (HeArt)

Title: Boy On Porch


Hands Entwined

Digital Collage Noemi Beres.jpeg

"Music Soothes the Soul"

Noemi Beres

Collage Artist

Noemi profile pic.jpg

Echoes of Tradition

"Sewing Memories Together"

Mixed art graphic.jpeg
White Fabric

Noemi Beres is best known for her unique and witty collages made from newspapers, magazines and old books. Nature and human body inspire her the most.


She has been making handmade and digital collages since 2012. 

Creative Artist Alliances.png
Click On Any Logo To Learn More

record label


Film Director

BIG Records logo.jpg
Creative Artist logo.png
Just Be Me TV Logo.jpg

Tattoo Artist


Film Director

Local Link Tattoo Co Logo.jpg
New OTEL Logo- with roku channels (003).
Red Motion Entertainment Logo.png

Recording Artist


Entertainment Entrepreneur

Monica Dedmon Logo.jpg
Jon Landers TBAIMS logo.jpg
Film Deal Blueprint - Michael Fedyk.png
Creative Artist Alliances.png
Click On Any Logo To Learn More
Adeline Yeo Music Production.jpg

record label

REcord label

Creative Artist

Foty Records Logo.png

Creative Artist

Creative Artist

Creative Artist

Fashion Model.png
Hip Hop.png
Film Slate Marker

Creative Artist

Creative Artist

Creative Artist


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Media Partner
Business/Non-Profit Alliance
Creative Artist Alliance
Musician Alliance
Author & Speaker Alliance
Featured Books
Podcast Alliance
Publishing Partner

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OTEL Universe Background.png

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Trevor & Eileen

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